Responding to another reader's plea to RVers to leave plenty of space between their rig and the one ahead of them on the highway, John Rose shared his thoughts.
"Even though I agree with the statement 100%, there are the ‘idiots’ who will try and pass you and pull in front of you even if you leave no space at all.
kyz on |
"I was an over-the-road (country-wide) tractor trailer (TT) driver for over 35 years (no accidents, either) and have seen all the things that happen, and believe me, there are people who have to get wherever they're going three seconds earlier or their whole day is ruined. I hauled over-sized boats from Miami to British Columbia, and you would not believe some of the things people do, just so they do not have to follow anyone.
"Just for example, one fellow came off an on-ramp and sped up so he wouldn’t have to be behind my oversized load, and side-swiped my lead car because his lane ran out. Georgia has it right with their law and heavy fines for pulling in front of TT’s and other vehicles and not leaving enough safe distance for the vehicle to stop.
"Thank you for letting me get this off my mind."
And thank you, John, for sharing your mind with us.
Before finally fully retiring, I ferried large trucks (concrete mixers, trash trucks, fire trucks) point to point. Once, departing Houston, I was driving at the governed speed (65 MPH) in a HUGE mixer when one of these micro-econo-boxes passed on my right, and zipped DIRECTLY in front of me and DISAPPEARED below my dash, as I applied the BRAKES! After several LONG seconds, which seemed like MINUTES, he gradually appeared, slowly pulling away! Had he hesitated, or put on his brakes, I couldn't see him, and there MIGHT have been a slight bump as I ran OVER him! This mixer, EMPTY, weighed some 6 TONS, of solid metal! His micro two seat-er would have been like a flattened can on the road! Some idiots never think!
ReplyDeleteI teach motorcycle safety in MN, certified by MSF, through the MN Motorcycle Safety Center. Every class I teach, I stress the "no zone" around large vehicles. The course booklet only show semi rigs as an example, but I include straight trucks, school busses and RVs as well when I teach. I tell them get out of the "no zone" as quickly as possible.