Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Beware what you use to clean your carpet

Dear Editor:
My father worked in a furniture store for many years and listened to salesmen that wanted the store to carry their carpet cleaning machines and the liquids that they sold to use with them. (These machines are also rented in other stores.) The salesmen said that once these liquids were used on the carpet, then people would rent the machines more often. The reason: Many, if not all, of these “cleaners” have oils or lanolin in them to attract dirt – so the carpets need to be cleaned more often! This is a good marketing strategy for the manufacturer but is a poor strategy for the consumer. 

My father found a company that sells a product called “Host,” which is a dry carpet cleaning compound that has the texture of sawdust and is environmentally friendly. It has no oil in it and does a wonderful job of cleaning the carpets in our home as well as in our 5th wheel. You just sprinkle it on the carpet, brush it in, let it set for awhile and then vacuum it up. We have used it for years and keep a box in our camper for any type of cleanup as needed. Thought you might appreciate the info. I have no connection with the company.  I appreciate your newsletter.  Much success to you with your business. –Jerry Haidle  Learn more or order here.

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